The Shop

With its Euro-chic atmosphere and wide selection of men’s and women’s clothing, Quinn + Foster has been a top pick among Downtown Bellingham boutiques since 2017. But when its lease ended in fall 2022, Owner Chris Hayward made a big decision: to move Quinn + Foster to Fairhaven.

Hayward and her staff are known for developing ongoing relationships with their customers, most of whom already live and shop in Fairhaven. With that in mind, this kind of move only made sense.

“This is the sixth store that I have designed and built out,” Hayward says. “I had a lot of thoughts about where I wanted things and how I wanted things, and I was able to achieve pretty much everything that I wanted in this store.”

Photograph by Cocoa Laney

The Atmosphere

The new Quinn + Foster maintains the same sophisticated yet approachable feel of the original, in no small part due to the welcoming and knowledgeable staff. The shop feels navigable and spacious with a variety of clothing displays, contemporary art, and even a cozy seating area. What’s more, every detail in the store—from the layout to the break room—was designed by Hayward herself.

“I want people to come in and feel comfortable in the store,” Hayward says. “I would like there to be a very positive warm energy, and know that I want people to feel like they can come and stay for a while.”

Key People

While Hayward has always had close ties to Bellingham, her beginnings in the fashion industry began somewhere else entirely: Italy. During her nine years spent living in Europe, she developed and sold her own brand name of clothing before moving back to the Pacific Northwest.

After several other U.S.-based business endeavors (including real estate and a food company), Hayward owned and operated her first women’s clothing store in Eugene, Oregon from 2006 until 2017, then returned to Bellingham to be close to family. She’s since established Quinn + Foster as one of Bellingham’s most well-respected boutiques.

“We’ve built some really close relationships with people,” Hayward says. “We’re not just a clothing store where you come in, buy something, and then we’re done with you. It’s an ongoing relationship. It’s not a one-time experience.”

Photograph by Cocoa Laney

What You’ll Find

Quinn + Foster carries a wide range of apparel for both men and women, ranging from dresses and tops to shoes, scarves, jeans, belts, bags, and even underwear. The garments could be described as European chic, and each one is made to last for years to come.

Hayward’s goal is for Quinn + Foster to be “a store that really serves Bellingham and the area,” meaning that she takes into account not just trends but local demand and environment. Many Bellinghamsters lean towards casual clothes, and as such, many options are well-adapted to our damp PNW climate. However, Hayward has also returned to stocking dressier options post-pandemic as people are beginning to travel again.


Quinn + Foster receives new merchandise daily, so choosing a favorite is no easy feat. That said, Hayward is looking forward to the fun, colorful dresses she’ll be stocking this spring. As for brands, her personal favorite is a women’s clothing line called Sarah Pacini.

Photograph by Cocoa Laney

“I actually am the only retailer, as far as I know, that carries that brand in all of Washington and Oregon,” Hayward says. “I’ve carried the brand since probably 2007.”

To get even more fashion inspiration from Hayward and her team, visit Quinn + Foster at its new home in Fairhaven or on social media @quinnandfoster. 1402 11th St., Bellingham, 360.671.2000,