Bison Bookbinding & Letterpress has served the book arts appreciators of Bellingham with their letterpress printmaking, book-binding, and stationery selection since 2004. Now, we can look forward to a second location situated inside the Granary Building!
“Downtown Bellingham has been our home for 19 years. It’s always been part of our mission to build a vibrant and thriving downtown for our community, and we’re proud of our contribution,” says Carly James, who owns and operates Bison with her husband, Kevin Nelsen. “We’re so excited about Bellingham’s new Waterfront District– we wanted our shop to be part of it!”
The new location boasts 3,000 square feet of space, including a patio overlooking Waypoint Park and the waters of Bellingham Bay. The layout is designed to integrate their retail, a selection of stationery from around the world that James works hard to curate, with their studio space, so that customers can get an up-close look at Bison’s machinery and production process. Their presses will be housed in the Granary shop, but both locations will have bookbinding equipment so that Nelson can do the meticulous work of repairing and binding books wherever he happens to be.
So far, the Granary location has only been open on the patio for Saturday Pop-Up events, but they’re hoping to have a full opening this month. If you haven’t yet been enticed to visit, the new location will also have a small performance space and a selection of snacks and non-alcoholic beverages called Little Foods. Bison’s monthly Write More Letters Club will also be starting back up again this fall, so keep an eye out for developments! 112 Grand Ave., Ste. 101, and 1207 Granary Ave., Ste 160, 360.734.0481,