Super Bowl Snacks, With a Twist!

Take your game global this Super Bowl Sunday with a line-up filled with crowd pleasers. These Italian-rooted, Asian inspired, and Hawaiian-style appetizers are sure to score major points with your fans! Add even more international flare by pairing it with some authentic Mexican guacamole…

Urban Jungle | JeKa Plants in Mount Vernon

Walking into Jeka Plants in downtown Mount Vernon is like walking into a small, well-organized jungle. Created by sisters Jeanie Topness and Karen Yarber (whose names combine to…

Samish Solar Sustainable Home

“Living in this house has shown us that efficiency and comfort actually go hand in hand….The quality of my sleep is so much better now that we live in a well-insulated house that stays cool during hot days and has a good ventilation system.” – Homeowners of Samish Solar Home On top of being well ventilated and highly insulated, their home is also highly energy and water efficient, produces more than enough electricity to power their house and…

Hyper-Hip, Diverse Market for Young Adults and the Young at Heart | Wonderz Market

If you’re tuned in to happenings in downtown Bellingham, you’ve probably already heard of Wonderz Market. If you’re into curated vintage and thrift, unique handmade clothes and accessories, funky crafts, and indie artists, you’ve probably already been! Fashion-forward crowds have been flocking to these once-a-month markets since they began in February 2023. Wonderz Market grew out of the traveling thrift business of…

Come Aboard This 100th Birthday Party | Schooner Zodiac Open House

A HOY! One of Bellingham’s oldest ships is turning 100, and you’re invited. The Schooner Zodiac is hosting an open house on May 19 to celebrate the vessel’s centennial birthday. The celebration will be held upstairs of…

The Star Behind The Orion

As you walk down Holly Street toward the bustling streets in downtown Bellingham, you come across a mysterious yet welcoming set of stairs with a large star at the top. It draws you in and takes you to the front door of The Orion. As you step inside, you are embraced with constellations lining the walls and the sound of games from the…