Your Views on Bellingham’s Waterfront Project

How long have you lived in Bellingham?
Born and raised in Bellingham for 19 years.
What are your expectations for the waterfront development?
I don’t really know what to expect, I’m excited about it and I think it’s going to be really fun from what I’ve seen. I’m thinking like grass and more access to the beach and fun shops? I don’t know.
How do you think it’s going to change Bellingham?
I think it’s going to make it more welcoming. When you drive past there it’s not going to look like a junkyard. It’s going to look nice and inviting. I think it will be more touristy and bring aesthetic.
How long have you lived in Bellingham?
Since ’81, 1981.
What are your expectations for the waterfront development?
I am really looking forward to it. Just riding my bike here today thinking about how beautiful it’s going to be, to keep going.
How do you think it’s going to change Bellingham?
I think it will attract a lot more visitors. I think it will be a good budget to work with, because we will be spending more money and more time downtown. I think it will benefit the other businesses nearby.
Any reservations about it at all?
The only reservation I have is I would like to see no oil, no pollution or that kind of stuff. What we are doing seems clean so I am quite happy.
What are your thoughts on the waterfront project?
I know that it’s ongoing and that it seems like a great thing for the community.
How do you think it will impact Bellingham?
I hope it will impact us positively. You can never have too many waterfront parks so I’m looking forward to that.
Do you have any worries?
No, not really. What do you want to see there? I think a convention center would work well there somewhere. I’d also like to see small, local businesses take it over.
What are your thoughts on the waterfront project?
I’m excited for the new park, shops and restaurants.
How do you think it will impact Bellingham?
I think it will impact it positively because it could bolster the local economy.
Do you have any worries?
Yes and no. I’m interested to see how it will impact the homeless community we have here.
What do you want to see there?
Just some new blood. I’d love to see some things we don’t already have.

We wanted to hear from you, area residents and visitors, about plans for Bellingham’s waterfront development, along with the new Waypoint Park, the first phase of the plan. Over the course of a few days in mid-May, we interviewed people on the street and those looking through the fence at the park, which had yet to open. Here’s what you had to say:

“I don’t know much about the waterfront development, other than they redid the Granary Building and cleared up the area behind it. I think it might make it more pretty and bring in more tourists. I don’t really have expectations because it’s kind of unknown to me. But I saw a bunch of plans that made it look like it was going to have parks and boardwalks, so that’s exciting.”
“There were a lot of issues pertaining to the cleanup. The pollution in the ground from GP had minerals that were unhealthy and had toxic levels. I hope it wasn’t just a surface cleanup. But I love the idea, I approve of it, I just hope they cleaned it up effectively and include an educational component of how it became contaminated. We all have to do what we can to take care of this area.”
“If it’s done correctly, the revenue it will generate will outweigh the traffic and things. I think it could be an asset to the community, as long as it’s a good balance of commercial, retail, and residential space, as well as environmentally sound. But progress is progress. You can’t stop it, but you can do it the right way.”

Looking for more voices from other Bellinghamsters? Check out this month’s online exclusive here.