If anyone knows the power of hard work and perseverance, it’s Judy Tuohy. As the director of the Schack Art Center in Everett, Tuohy helps run the non-profit organization that educates and showcases art in the Everett community. But Tuohy doesn’t — and hasn’t — stopped there. She is also running for Everett city council.

Tuohy became involved last fall when a position on the council was vacated, and she realized she could change the sense of apathy she felt was hanging over her community by becoming appointed to the city council.

“I felt, well, I have the time, I have the energy, so there was no reason I couldn’t do it,” Tuohy said. While she lost by two votes, it was just the beginning of her campaign journey.

Now, Tuohy is back with a stronger campaign and a desire to change the community she cares so much about. She realized that to run a successful campaign, she needed to put in the extra effort to step up to the challenge, and she is doing just that, including putting herself out to the public in an entirely new way.

“I’m always promoting the Schack, and then all of a sudden, I have to now promote myself,” she said. “That’s been the biggest challenge, and it’s been the most rewarding.”

Tuohy has loved getting to meet people, reaching out to her community to gain support and educate them on her goals and plans for the city, which include re-evaluating the way the city
does business, becoming more inclusive and responsive as a city council, and better economic development.

"I felt, well, I have the time, I have the energy, so there was no reason I couldn’t do it."