Western Red Columbine
These lovely star-like blooms bob on delicate
stems among lacy foliage. Running counter to the
claim that native plants aren’t showy, a patch of
these in any landscape will catch the eye.

Wild Mock Orange
Collected by Lewis and Clark on their
voyage west and named by botanist
Linneaus, the mock orange is a fragrant,
bright flowering shrub. The name
is indirectly related to the name of
the city.

Pacific Dogwood
A small tree, the Pacific Dogwood has
showy white flowers with distinctive
dark centers. A harbinger of spring,
dogwoods grow in tended beds as well
as rocky slopes. Pigeons, quail, waxwings,
thrushes and other birds feast
on the bright, bitter berries.

Woolly Sunflower
First collected by Lewis and Clark
on the banks of the Clearwater River
in Idaho, this showy, bright native
plant was used in traditional Native
American medicine and rituals. The
Skagit used the leaves as a balm on irritated
skin, the Chehalis used the flowers
as a love charm, and the Miwok
tribe used the plant for topical pain
relief. Pretty and sunny, this plant is
perfect for borders.

Bleeding Heart
This distinctive flower is a row of
blooms along a stem in a range of pink
and red hues. Hardy and deer-resistant,
this flower outlasts many of your landscape
varieties. They like partial to fullshade
and bloom in spring and fall.