Wine Pick of the Month | Comeluna Rosso

New all-time favorite! Deep cherry notes come through on the nose, joined by notes of dried bark, earth and hints of cinnamon and…

Mixing Tin

EAT Restaurant and Bar The Mon Dieu (My god) Ingredients: Captain Morgan’s rum, maple, lime, topped with BelleWood Acres Cider, $11 Tucked on the corner of East Chestnut and Cornwall in downtown Bellingham, EAT Restaurant and…

Take a Hike: Whatcom Falls Park

Whatcom Falls Park is an accessible place for all kinds of activities, even beyond hiking, which makes it one of Bellingham’s most popular destinations regardless of season. Hikers, bikers, fishing enthusiasts, and dog-walkers are all welcome. The miles of wide trails are gravel and the small rolling hills…

Glorious Winter Greens

In the midst of winter, we are lucky to have some hearty veggies to stave off scurvy. Kale, cabbages, collard greens are the emerald gems of winter eats — packed full of vitamin 
A, vitamin C, and fiber — and they are extremely versatile in the kitchen. From soups and salads to smoothies and stir-fries, these green goddesses have got your back. SAVE…

Makeup Tips for the Time-Challenged

As a makeup artist, I often get questions/comments about my own beauty routine, somewhere along the lines of “Do you airbrush yourself every day?” or “It must take you forever to do your makeup in the morning!” But the truth is — no — to each of those things! Just like you, I am busy! The last…

Five Faves

Cinnamon Rolls MOUNT BAKERY CAFÉ & BAKERY Definitely a mountaintop experience. Revel in this devilishly sticky unraveling of a treat nicknamed “cinnamon snail” in Danish pastry. Mount Bakery’s spiral-layered roll recipe originated with a Belgian grandmother from a family of master bakers. The uniqueness: hand-formed, laminated croissant dough — a switch from challah — and baked in a large-cup muffin pan. Slathered in butter, sprinkled sparsely with raisins, topped with a blanket of cream cheese, and with…

Lasting Image

What is your favorite thing to take pictures of? Having lived in Whatcom County for 46 years, I’ve seen some beautiful scenery here that still amazes me each time I visit that location. Yearning to cherish these wonderful places led my interests toward the…

Walla Walla Wines Become a Growth Industry

The explosion of wineries in the Walla Walla Valley mirrors the impressive growth of wineries in Washington state. How impressive? Consider this: According to the Washington Wine Commission, there were 163 wineries statewide in the year 2000. Today the state boasts over 900 total wineries… and nearly 125 of those are located in the Walla Walla Valley. The Walla Walla Valley has a rich agricultural history, but today’s wine grape industry didn’t…

The Power of One

Ken shares his thoughts on the spirit of Valentine’s Day For most males in serious relationships, Valentine’s Day is one of three days each year that strike fear in their hearts, the others being their partner’s birthday and their wedding anniversary. Get it right, or you die. Forget the dates, and you die. I have all these dates dutifully calendared, with a fail-safe advance warning system of alarms and…

Butcher Shop Bringing the Craft Back to Bellingham

Four years ago, Shaun Almassy wasn’t sure that he even wanted to become a butcher. After some convincing from a friend, he decided to try his hand at butchery. Almassy now finds himself up, at times as early as 6 a.m., prepping for the day ahead.

Bellingham Olympian Angeli VanLaanen

Angeli VanLaanen is Bellingham’s lone, home-grown winter Olympian, and after years of traveling and competing on the high-flying, high-pressure world of…