This Sandy Point home in Ferndale was designed with windows, airy comfort and the outdoors in mind. Views of the Strait of Georgia and Sucia Island dominate the house’s west side. Ground-floor living and space above for family and houseguests is a priority. The home features two master suites, one on the first level and another on the second, plus more bedrooms on the uppermost floor. Alexei Ford, the home’s designer and general contractor, also owns Bellingham’s Ruckus Art Gallery, and his creative influence shows—interior trim was kept to a minimum to accentuate artwork and larger architectural elements. With the home situated on a half-acre of waterfront, the owners enjoy entertaining and nature, with beach walks a part of most days.

Builder | Ian Hamilton, Seattle
Designer | Alexei Ford Design Studio, Bellingham
Photographer | Tim Chandonnet, Bellingham

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"This Sandy Point home in Ferndale was designed with windows, airy comfort and the outdoors in mind."