Contact: Xandra S. Blackburn – Gallery Coordinator
Company: Allied Arts of Whatcom County
Phone: 360-676-8548
Fax: 360-650-9317
Earth to Atmosphere
January 6-28, 2023
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 4pm
Opening Reception: Friday, January 6, 6pm-9pm
1418 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Allied Arts of Whatcom County’s 2023 Exhibit Series kicks off with Earth to Atmosphere featuring work by
artists from Bakercreek Ceramics and watercolor paintings by Michael Heath, Janine Hazebrouck and
Tom McCalla. The works celebrate the resources and beauty of our regional landscape.
Group show of sculptural and functional ceramics created by members of Baker Creek Ceramics.
The group of watercolor artists have been painting together for over 15 years. Michael Heath is a lead artist
and has been instructing watercolorpainting and drawing for over 55 years.
Please joing us for Downtown First Friday to meet the artists and see a performance by the Sweet Goodbyes.
Allied Arts is a non-profit gallery, all proceeds from sales go towards supporting the arts in our community.
For more information visit or contact Xandra Blackburn at 360-676-8548 x102 or