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BeTango Class October Announcement

October 27 @ 6:30 pm


Hello BeTango dancers,
We continue our good progress toward Beautiful Back Ochos Wednesday, Oct. 27. If you missed the first two classes, please come at 6 pm for a brief review of what we covered.  Then we will begin the new material with the whole class at the usual 6:30 pm. Full info below.

*A new Intermediate Close Embrace class series is forming (most) Thursday evenings at my home studio 7-8:30 pm. Dates are Oct 28, and Nov 11, 18.  We will explore and practice the differences in the salon and the milonguero approach, so that we may have happy dances with all partners.  One year minimum tango experience needed. Role balanced–Four “couples” maximum. $10 per person. Email to RSVP, or sign up Wednesday.  

*A book I have mentioned in class is this: “TANGO through the eyes of a dancing psychotherapist: Embrace Me” by Igor Zabuta and Emma Kologrivova.  Available on Amazon, paperback or Kindle.  I highly recommend this inner journey into tango. 
Hugs to all,  Rebecca

October BeTango Lesson series: 

Beautiful Back Ochos
Class: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Practica: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Four Wednesdays: 
October 6, 13, 20, 27. 

The BeTango class series for October will focus on Beautiful Back Ochos. This movement is unique to Argentine tango, and we will explore many variations, as well as embellishments for leaders and followers. Class will include an introduction to walking in cross system and the body spiral, which are very helpful in this and many other Tango movements. Class is suitable for beginners and up. Experienced dancers will find plenty of challenge for those open to new ideas. No partner necessary nor guaranteed. Switching partners during class is optional, but encouraged. Lead/follow role switching OK. Masks mandatory indoors. 

This is a progressive series, please commit to all four classes. Sign up for your spot by October 6.  Arrangements can be made if you must miss a class.
Cost: $15 per class/ $60 for the month. Includes all four Practicas. 
Practica only: 730-930 pm—$10
Cash, check, PayPal
Location: Majestic ballroom, 1027 North Forest St. Bellingham
Teachers: Rebecca TangoLife Niemier and Larry Kalb
Must show proof of vaccination at initial registration. Masks must be worn indoors per state mandate.
Email to sign up:
Rebecca TangoLife Niemier: rebzebb@msn.com
Larry Kalb: BeTango.Practica@gmail.com

We continue to mask, vaccinate and ventilate, with doors and windows open plus the house fans running at the huge Majestic Ballroom.  

FYI: Rebecca and Larry continue to Covid test on Tuesdays, prior to each Wednesday practica for added precaution. PLEASE, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO THE SAME to ensure everyone’s continued health, go to www.testdirectly.com to schedule your FREE drive-thru test at the Bellingham Airport. Results emailed in 12-24 hours. You may schedule tests many weeks in advance, so your spot is reserved.

Alternately, Covid home test kits are available on walmart.com (Currently out of stock), $20 for a box of two tests. Results in 15 minutes. Thank you for considering this extra safety measure. And thank you To those who have already been doing this!

Come spark some joy at:
Bellingham’s weekly Tango Practica
Every Wednesday!
Majestic Ballroom, 1027 N Forest St, Bellingham, WA
**Covid Policy, beginning August 2021:
Must show proof of full Covid Vaccination and wear mask within premises per Washington state guidelines.

Larry Kalb and Rebecca Niemier are thrilled to be collaborating with our Bellingham tango community to host a new weekly tango practica, at the beloved Majestic Ballroom, 7:30-9:30, Wednesdays, beginning August 11, 2021. Larry and other DJ’s will play an 80/20 mix of traditional and alternative music. 
Come learn tango with us!  
Larry Kalb: BeTango.Practica@gmail.com
Rebecca Niemier: Rebzebb@msn.com


October 27
6:30 pm
Event Category:


Larry Kalb
Rebecca Niemier


Majestic Ballroom
1027 North Forest St
Bellingham, WA 98225 United States
+ Google Map