The Temple Bar 

When Doves Cry 

Ingredients: Silver tequila, Combier pamplemousse liqueurgrapefruit juice, Fee Brothers grapefruit bitters, lime juice, prosecco, salt rim 


In Spanish, paloma means dove. This particular twist on the poloma is named in honor of the late great Prince and his beloved 1984 hit song. Featuring grapefruit done three different ways, this bright, citrus-forward cocktail is a perfect refresher on a warm afternoon. Grapefruit liqueur, grapefruit juice, and grapefruit bitters come together in this extra-juicy drink, topped with a splash of prosecco for a hint of fizz. The partially salted rim means you have the choice whether to add the edge of salt, which pairs nicely alongside the bittersweet grapefruit notes. This cocktail is mouthwatering, light, and extremely tasty. You might even say it’s fit for a prince.  

306 W. Champion St., Bellingham, 360.676.8660,