Blended Greens, Fruit Put Spring In Your Step

As the days get longer, so do our to-do lists. Spring is nature’s alarm clock after our long, sleepy Northwest winters. It’s easy to find ourselves overlooking the most important meal of the day, especially when we begin to get busy. Unfortunately, that is when we need that breakfast fuel the most.

Thankfully, nature comes to our rescue and provides us the raw ingredients to create a simple, healthy, and sustainable morning meal. The convenience about morning smoothies is that you can prepare the ingredients in advance, freeze them for the week, then each morning, toss your prepped ingredients into a blender and voila! You have reached your day’s quota of fruits, veggies and protein packed into your first meal. Smoothies are easy to take on the run, or enjoy at home before heading out for the rest of the day.

Thinking of spring, as a season I associate the words “greens,” “growth,” “life,” and “lush.” The gardens thrive, flowers bleed color and the grass becomes greener. Directly from the earth is where our key ingredients will come from, whether you grow them yourself or shop from your local grocery store. The great thing about smoothies is that the ingredients are interchangeable. Berries and greens work just as well as bananas and greens. Add peanut butter, sun butter or almond butter to add a boost of protein. To get a thicker texture and colder smoothie, it helps to freeze the fruits and veggies in advance.


Serves 2


1 frozen banana, cut into eighths
3 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 handful of kale, spinach, sprouts
½ cup frozen blueberries
¼ cup flax meal
Your favorite protein powder
¼ cup frozen avocado, almond butter
OR a tablespoon of coconut oil for healthy fats


• Place all ingredients into blender.
• Blend away!

For more Recipes, click here.

"Thankfully, nature comes to our rescue and provides us the raw ingredients to create a simple, healthy, and sustainable morning meal."