Last October, we invited artists to express their sense of community, whether a literal community of neighbors and friends, or a huge sense of mankind, or a more abstract community—that of creativity, of art itself. The response is stunning—thank you to everyone who submitted work, and to the artists represented here who shared their work with us. We celebrate all of these artists who are celebrating community in their own ways, and each week we will share one with you. 

Water Color | Deborah Haggman

Deborah Haggman’s paintings tend to be realistic and detail-oriented. After years of fighting that aspect of her personality, she has decided it’s okay. She’ll start a painting by laying down large areas with washes but can’t wait to pick up her small brush. She enjoys painting a variety of subjects although she is drawn to Northwest landscapes, trees, beaches and rocks. Living in the Semiahmoo area provides a constant source of inspiration for her. She will always have her camera and paint from reference photos taken of this area. She paints exclusively with watercolor. She loves the unpredictability of the medium, and feels it is so well suited to our northwest landscapes. Her usual process is to preserve white areas with masking fluid then lay down large area washes, charging in darks while the wash is still damp. Details are added after the wash is dry.